
Irrelevant Episode 4: Tree Forts - Jeremy Zierau chats with Greg Smaller

In the fourth episode of Irrelevant, Jeremy talks Tree Forts with Greg Smaller. Not only do they talk about these forts, but they broach on the subjects of record labels, childhood mischief and breaking chairs. Greg Smaller would like you to email him if you want to say hi. You can reach him at: if it gets returned either add or subtract one labs and eventually he'll get it. @1805gallery @jeremyzierau

Tree Forts

Jeremy Zierau and Greg Smaller examine the complexities of Tree Forts! 

Artists talk mischievous childhood experiences, explosions, shivs and music.  Chairs are broken. 

Greg Smaller is a San Diego-based educator, mixed media artist, and founder of Rita Records.  Smaller has collaborated with Ship in the Woods, Island Boy and Gary WIlson. 

Greg Smaller contact :

Jeremy Zierau

September 2 through Friday, November 18, 2016

While in residence, Zierau will create art object pairings and produce a weekly podcast that documents conversations with local artists about irrelevant topics.  

b.1985, Lives and works in San Diego, CA

Jeremy Zierau explores human communication and the methods we use to process data. He creates semi-objective objects, renderings and videos that focus on the late 20th century ideology of artistic inclusiveness and the rise of the Arts & Craft stores. Zierau holds a BFA from The Cooper Union School of Art. 

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