Artist in Residence: Robert Andrade July 14- Sept 8, 2017
Axis Mundi (2014) Mirror acrylic and plastic topiary, 43 x 43 x 24 inches. Images courtesy of the artist.
1805 Gallery is pleased to announce Robert Andrade as the fifth resident artist this season. Robert Andrade’s abstract, conceptual works explore the politics of modern architecture that are strategically designed to influence our movements and experiences. Andrade works within a range of familiar construction materials including concrete, aluminum, plexiglass and steel. With over fifty percent of the world’s population living in urban areas, Andrade critically engages urban architectural materials that we encounter daily.
Robert Andrade will be working in the gallery from Friday, July 14, through Friday, September 8, 2017. While in residence, Andrade will produce a series of drawings, sculptures and sound works that examine the artificiality of materials that shape our modern urban landscape, specifically focusing on analyzing formal gardens designed to manipulate social interactions and individual contemplation.
Andrade’s residence work will be formally exhibited at Art Above in Fall 2017, an open-air art exhibition that features collective works from resident artists. He holds a Masters of Fine Arts from Cornell University and a Bachelors of Fine Arts from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. In 2016 Andrade presented To Move An Obelisk, a solo exhibition at the Hunt-Cavanagh Gallery in Providence, Rhode Island. He has participated in groups shows including BRUTAL at the San Diego Art Institute in 2016, Phantom Gardens Fortified Cities at Helmuth Projects and Ruined States (Federal City) at Brazzos Gallery in Dallas, Texas.
About 1805 Gallery
1805 Gallery is an art studio and exhibition space in San Diego, California. The gallery operates an artist residency program featuring emerging artists that focus on process and development within their practice. 1805 Gallery aims to support the creative community by providing opportunities to participate in studio art programs and contemporary art discourse.
For more information regarding the residency or work of Robert Andrade please contact 1805 Gallery Director Lauren Siry at
Residency 5: Robert Andrade
Friday, July 14, - Friday, September 8, 2017